
a simple app for breathing exercises

features | techniques | privacy

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breasy app start screenshot


apple health integration
record your breathing sessions as mindful minutes
vibration/sound feedback
subtle, relaxing feedback to guide you through your session
breasy app inhale screenshot
multiple techniques
box, 4-7-8, 7-11, equal and triangle
adjustable session time
adjust your session time to suit your needs, or go continuous for as long as you want


  • breasy app equal technique screenshot
  • breasy app box technique screenshot
  • breasy app 7-11 technique screenshot
  • breasy app triangle technique screenshot
  • breasy app 4-7-8 technique screenshot

    privacy policy

    We don't store your data, period.

    Any settings or data from breasy are stored only on your device, of which we have no access to.

    If you're interested, here's our website privacy policy.

    © Gander Design.