score uno

a simple app for recording uno scores

app features | game features | scoring | pro | privacy

breasy app game screenshot

app features

record every game you've played
keep a record of every game you've played
quick start
get a new game started with just a few clicks
score uno app game list screenshot

game features

score uno app add scores screenshot
record score, round by round
record who wins each round (and delete if necessary)
duplicate game
quickly create a new version of a game, with the same players and rules
track who's dealer
show who is the dealer each round


quick score
click the round winner, type their score
score uno app choose cards screenshot
select cards
rather not do the maths? select the winner's cards and the app does everything for you

pro (in-app purchase)

score uno player management screenshot
player management
create players to be used across games
player stats
view how many games each player has won and lost
advanced scoring
apply scores to more than one player each round
score uno player ststs screenshot

privacy policy

We don't store your data, period.

Any settings or data from Score Uno are stored only on your device, of which we have no access to.

Score Uno uses your iCloud account to securely back-up your data, we have no access to this. This is stored so if you delete the app, you don't lose all your data. You can disable iCloud app backup if you want.

If you're interested, here's our website privacy policy.

© Gander Design.